In the age-old argument of whether baptism is necessary for salvation, our next objection is the “Hail Mary” of all objections. It is often employed as the last desperate effort of an anti-baptism proponent to reason out that baptism is absolutely not necessary for salvation. It comes at a pretty high cost when we think everything through logically. So, what is this final desperate objection?
“What about someone on their death bed?” This is an argument based on timing. This is an argument which appeals to emotion. Here’s what it says.
“It is inconceivable that a person on their death bed who makes a sincere commitment to Jesus, that Jesus would not recognize their inability to participate in water baptism and Jesus should therefore save them.” In other words, if someone is unable to be baptized, God should see their heart and make an exception to His well established Biblical Plan of Salvation as presented in The Great Commission. He should let them into heaven because they are dying and can’t obey the Gospel in water baptism. If we remove the timing aspect, we get down to the core of the argument… “God knows my heart and He knows my intentions are finally right.”
It can get emotional!
This becomes a really emotional argument because we all know deeply devout loved ones who were religious believers and have died but were never baptized in any way shape or form. If we believe water baptism in necessary for salvation, it leaves these dearly departed souls in an unsaved state. We look at their pious life and reason out a way of salvation that offers and excuse for their inability to obey the Gospel. We know that our dear ol’ Aunt Katie was a true Christian because she never missed a church service and tithed without fail.
This frames the first problem with this position. Without realizing it, we make dear old Aunt Katie’s salvation based on her good deeds and works during her time here on earth. We don’t want to do that, especially when we so ardently proclaim that we are not saved by our good works. It does not matter how awesome Aunt Katie was or how she served the poor and ministered through her church to the orphans in Zimbabwe. We are not saved by works.
Think this through carefully.
Since this can be such an emotionally charged debate, we should think about it carefully. In this argument we are saying that because someone could not “do” something before a particular point time, they would be lost. When we wrap it up in a death bed scenario, it gets really dramatic. But, at the core, this argument says that if a person can’t physically “do” something,,, in this case, they can’t get baptized… they will not be saved. Time is up and the possibility of a strenuous activity like baptism is out of the question for the individual on their death bed.
Here’s the second problem with this argument. It’s a pretty huge one. We say, “This is not fair. It’s not their fault they got sick.” Being lost, just because someone could not be baptized, through no fault of their own, sounds really black and white… even a little harsh! Is God that picky and hard line?”
At this point, we begin using “our” standards of judgement instead of the Bible’s standard. Without realizing it, we are actually attacking God! We reject God’s plan of salvation and substitute our own ideas of how things should work or embrace the popular traditional plan which tells people; all they need to do is “Invite Jesus into Their Heart” or “Accept Christ,” and they are saved. It’s so much easier to get a dying person to nod their head or say a quiet, “yes” when we ask them if they want to make Jesus their Lord and Savior at the very last minute. Why would God wait until the very last hour? Or does He?
But what if…
Let’s try something.
Let’s move the timeline back just a little bit and place Aunt Katie — who is now healthy — in a wonderful church service, listening to a great biblical message. She decides to respond to the preaching in order to accept Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. She is not yet saved. She stands up in response to the preacher’s call… begins to approach the alter and suddenly chokes on a mint and dies right there in service! What a mess!
This wonderful old lady dies right before she has actually accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. Is she going to be lost just because he was unable to “do” something? Should God accept her because He so clearly sees the intent of her heart?
In this scenario, “Accepting Christ” is the method or action the person needs to take for salvation. This is actually a works salvation event, isn’t it? Just be logical. Evangelicals tell people, “If you do not accept Christ, you will be lost.” In our first scenario, the action was water baptism instead of a prayer. In both cases, Aunt Katie was given an opportunity to respond to the Gospel but was unable to do so. Again, do we think God should see her heart and let her into Heaven, based on that? Should God let people into Heaven based on their good intentions?
Are you telling me that God could see her heart but He couldn’t see the mint?
Shall we charge God with being unfair?
Do you see where this is going. This is not a good argument. In fact, it’s probably a really sad argument for someone who believes in a loving, benevolent, omnipotent God who knows everyone’s heart and everyone’s future. Do we really believe that God does not provided ample opportunity for someone to respond correctly to the truth, well in advance of their death or physical inability to do so? Do we really and truly want to accuse God of dealing people an unfair hand? I think God provides massive opportunities throughout a person’s life to respond correctly to the Gospel. That’s a loving, caring, generous and patient Father.
What is this really all about?
Now, there is one other problem with this argument. It’s a hypothetical. It’s designed to evade the real issue. And what is the real issue? It’s you. This is your defense. You are not defending Dear ol’ Aunt Katie. You have only used her as a surrogate! This is your protest against obeying the Gospel the correct way; and you are not even on your death bed! You are able to respond. You are able to get baptized. This argument is an emotional protest against you yourself obeying the Biblical Plan of Salvation.
If we really wanted to know what God does for people on their death bed, why do we invent such emotional fabrications? Why not simply go to the scriptures and ask God. Look at 2 Kings 20. Hezekiah was on his death bed, he sincerely prayed to God and God gave him fifteen more years to live and get his life right! Somehow, I am pretty sure God knows how to save truly sincere people and provide ample opportunity for a good heart to respond.
Why even reach out to the lost if God just lets people into Heaven based on the content of their heart? Is it not strange that we cherish the “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation and accept it as perfectly fine, even though it has no Biblical basis; but claim baptism is a work of man and yet God has given so much direction regarding baptism in the scriptures? In both scenarios above, If this person did not “do” something before their death, there would be lost.
In both of the scenarios we have explored, a person had to respond to the Gospel in order to be saved. They had to take some sort of action. Which response do you think is scripturally correct? Saying a prayer for salvation, or having a faith that obeys?
Dana Haynes